The Midlands Rocks

  • Grumpster – Grumpster | The Midlands Rocks
    • An eponymously-titled album is usually reserved for a debut, or at a moment of rebirth, and in the case of Bay Area Punks Grumpster, it was definitely the latter. Just a cursory listen to their third long-player (unsurprisingly called Grumpster) will tell you that this is a band reborn and rejuvenat
  • SeeYouSpaceCowboy – Coup de Grâce | The Midlands Rocks
    • Since their formation in 2016, San Diego’s SeeYouSpaceCowboy have always been a band pushing boundaries, be they sonic or aesthetic. Their third album, Coup de Grâce, is no exception and presents an audio overload that bounces around your cranium like a Pitbull on acid. Building on the good work of